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    Jacob is a biblical hero who depicts the power and grace of God to change and renew. He is most commonly known in the Bible for his cunning and deceitful ways, especially towards his twin brother Esau. However, after losing to God in a wrestling match, Jacob received God’s blessings and a new name – Israel. Jacob is first mentioned in the Bible in Genesis 25. When Jacob’s mother, Rebekah, was pregnant with him and his fraternal twin Esau, she inquired of God as to why her two babies were fighting in her womb (Genesis 25:22). God replied that the enmity between the two brothers was a foreshadowing for the two nations that would arise from them. Jacob would be the forefather of Israel (Genesis 32:28, Genesis 35:10-13) and Esau of Edom (Genesis 36). Additionally, Esau, the elder twin, would become the servant of Jacob, the younger (Genesis 25:23). Fittingly, Jacob’s name is derived…

  • Lifestyle

    Complacency Killed The Cat

    As I hurriedly rushed to get ready for work this morning, a thought popped into my mind that, “Complacency killed the cat”. So, I decided to take a few minutes and put my ear phones in to be in the moment with the Holy Spirit. What better way to prepare for attacks than with the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Fire, the Spirit of Faithfulness, the Spirit of Healing, the Spirit of Righteousness, the Spirit of Goodness and Love, and the Spirit of I’ve Got Your Back. But, what happens when we become complacent? What happens when we become smug, play into self-satisfaction, self-approval, self-approbation, self-admiration, gloating, pride, carelessness, slackness, laxity or laziness. It’s so easy to get lost in self everyday. Then we wonder why we don’t hear or feel God. We disconnect ourselves when we worship self. Jeremiah 6:14 “They dress the wound of my people as…

  • Lifestyle

    The Beatitudes

    God laid it upon me to fast from social media and food to draw me closer to him and to hear his message to share with you. I have never attempted fasting nor thought it would have a meaningful effect. Following God’s commands can be difficult but the lessons he gives prepares you for greater things or valleys you may have to travel through. This message is so important for those who are actively seeking Jesus, God and our beautiful Holy Spirit. And let me tell you the Holy Spirit rocks! I was lead to fast first from social media to get a deeper meaning and perspective on my walk with God. I lasted fifty two days. It was a mind cleanser. Then I fasted for three days only on water and on the third day when I got in my car to go to work the thought of the…


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